Saturday, February 22, 2014

Three Profitable Internet Businesses

Every entrepreneur is always desire to develop profitable business. Thanks to the possibilities that Internet offers us, we can find many business opportunities. On the Internet there are thousands of niche markets with demand meet. That is why I give below a list of profitable business online.

Find profitable niche market.

Find profitable niche market

Every business on the Internet requires a good search of niche markets to which such business focus to turn into a profitable business.

You can have the best product or service in the world, but you should make it known to the right market.

From useless to have the best wool scarves if you sell in the Sahara Desert, or you want to have a business of ice cubes if you live in the North Pole…

To make such a search, Google provides you with a great tool that makes us a market analysis very well developed, and offers various market niches that exist on the Internet, with all the features of each.

This tool is the keyword tool of Google Adwords. An essential tool if you want to earn money online, and that tells you the number of monthly searches that have a certain keyword on the internet.

Knowing the number of searches that have a keyword, and analyzing the competition we can find on the internet when looking for that keyword in Google, we will know whether it is worthwhile to develop a business in that niche.

This must perform the search in any profitable business online that will mention below.

3 Profitable Internet businesses

  1. Create a blog.

  2. Create a YouTube channel.

  3. Create an online store.

1. Create a blog

I’ve said it many times. A blog is a great online marketing tool, and in my opinion, everyone should have a blog, whatever your status, employment status, or your financial situation.

A blog gives us the opportunity to offer our expertise on any topic, and make them known to the appropriate niche market for this theme.

Once we got to our position in Google and receive web traffic, we can monetize the blog to earn passive income with various methods, depending on the theme of the blog, as they can be:

  • Google Adsense (CPC).

  • CPA (Cost per action).

  • Direct advertising.

  • Affiliate Marketing. (Sales commission).

  • Sell your own product.

My recommendation is not to use a single method to monetize a blog, but embezzle several methods to obtain all possible revenue for the blog.

Would not it be great if you had a blog, which you only have to spend 3 or 4 hours a week, and you generate € 500 every month?

Let me tell you get this income with a blog is possible, even more money, but creating a blog with quality content, focused on appropriate niche market and investing blog in your work and time to see the desired results.

2. Create a YouTube channel.

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YouTube is the largest online video platform that exists, with millions of people visiting it every day, where they spend hours and hours watching videos of all kinds.

A profitable business is to create a channel on a given topic, where you can upload videos provide valuable content to the user.

There are channels on YouTube on any topic you can imagine. Cuisine, entertainment, humor, politics, news, technology, hair and makeup, animals, cartoons, computer, marketing, history…

Just create quality videos on the subject that you love so much, and upload them to YouTube.

Gradually, doing some SEO on videos and using social networks to let you know, you get subscribers to your channel.

Once you receive thousands of views on your videos, you can monetize it with Google Adsense.

Can you imagine being getting income every hour of the day as thousands of people watch your videos on the Internet?

3. Create an online store.

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Electronic commerce is fashionable. There is more and more Internet use for shopping of all kinds.

Anyone can create their own online store, where commercializes you make your products and sales worldwide, while sitting at your home computer.

You may think you do not have your own product to market, but do not worry. You can create an online store without having your own product, and where bands third-party products in exchange for a commission. This method can make it with affiliate marketing.

Another well known method is Drop shipping with which you market you products of another company, and it ships the product directly to your customer without that pass through your hands. This way you will not need to invest in have stock of the product, or run the risk of getting stuck with thousands of units of a product that has no place in the market.

Would not it be great to wake up each morning to check it during the day before you get 10 sales in your online store?


As I explained in a very brief way, a blog, a YouTube channel and an online store are profitable Internet business that anyone can develop with the right skills. If you do not have this knowledge do not worry, that’s for my blog, where I publish posts week on how to make money online from home with these and other methods.

Just choose one of these methods, make a good search of niche markets, which focus your business and choose the product or monetization method to use to make money.