Sunday, March 30, 2014

What are the Best Paid Tags in Adsense?

You’re probably tired of hearing that content is king on the Internet. If you are looking for someone to explain that subject are the best or most profitable for making money with Adsense, let me give you some guidelines to clear your head a little. The actual content is king, but there are themes that give more money than others.

If you do not know how you can make money with Google Adsense, I invite you to read my post Make Money with Google Adsense.

Before you say that themes are the most profitable on the Internet, I want to give some advice regarding the content of your blog.

What are the Best Paid Tags in Adsense

Provide valuable content.

The first thing to be clear is that whatever the theme of your blog, you must provide quality content that is useful to your readers. The essence of a blog is to give the reader what they are looking for. If readers coming to your blog you depart from the same satisfied to have his doubts resolved, you will be on the right track starting the “home” of your online business for the foundation.

Key Factors for web traffic.

Being clear about the importance of providing valuable content to the reader, there are several factors to be clear, that are critical when it comes to getting web traffic.

These factors are very simple but it is always good to remember

  • Create eye-catching titles to generate curiosity in the reader.

  • Do not copy content from other blogs because Google will penalize you and affect your ranking.

  • Choose the right keywords to position in niche market more effective.

How to earn more money blogging?

The subject of a blog is very important when it comes to how much money this blog generates. Not the same blog humor insurance.

Usually a humor blog is visited mostly by teenagers who have little purchasing power, so if you use Google Adsense to earn income, the amount per click that you will receive will be very low, since advertisers for such themed pay little in Ad words because they know that a teenager is not in a position to buy a product.

On the other hand, many just may be better than many… few ? Let me explain.

If your blog is, for example video of humor, this content is often widely shared on social networks and virality is generated, so it may come to be more profitable than other subject where most pay per click but receive fewer visits.

This is not a set, but an example would be the following:

  • Blog of humor, 200,000 visits, 2 % do click on the ads, 0.08 € per click = 320 €

  • Blog mortgages, 9,000 views, 2 % do click on the ads, 0.90 € per click = 162 €

Note that this is just an example and does not mean you cannot receive more visits with a blog than with a mortgage of humor, I just want to give you to understand that everything depends on the web traffic you receive.

What topics generate more money online?

Generally, the topics that pay more are related products that can be purchased such as :

  • Tourism.

  • Finance.

  • Travel.

  • Companies.

On these issues we often see commercials where they try to sell something more concrete, so these companies will always pay more than others to publish more general announcements.

Also keep in mind the type of product you are trying to sell us the ad, and we just will not pay for a click on an ad where CDs that are sold by a click on an ad where TVs sold last generation.

There are themed with much web traffic but are not profitable because in them the user just looking for free content, such as:

  • Free calls.

  • Free Hosting.

  • Free download.

Another factor that affects the amount to be paid to click is the country you came from or click on the user’s language.

Overall Anglo advertisers UK or United States pay more per click than other languages.

It is also often pay more per click in European countries than in Latin American countries.

Considering the factors that explain just then have a list of the best and worst paid Adsense Theme.

Tags best paid in Adsense:

  • Mortgages.

  • Finance.

  • Money.

  • Travel.

  • Holidays.

  • Flights.

  • Hotels.

  • Technology.

  • Medicine.

  • Hosting.

  • Business.

  • Shopping.

  • Construction.

  • Cars.

Tags worst paid in Adsense.

  • Facebook.

  • Mobile ringtones.

  • Recipes.

  • Movies.

  • Comics.

  • Humor.

  • Flash games.

The worst thematic paid clicks can generate between 0.08 € and € 0.15, and the best paid themes can generate clicks from 0.40 € to even be able to reach several Euros per click.

Despite this, any subject can be profitable, depending on the web traffic you receive.

There are certain times of the year in which certain themes can also become profitable as holiday at Christmas, when there is a release of a film, in the World Cup, etc..

With this information you will have been a little clearer that themes are the most profitable on the Internet to make money with Google Adsense.

Friday, March 28, 2014

10 Business Ideas that helped many to Become Rich

Maybe you’ve ever had a business idea “crazy ” with which you thought you could get rich, but ended up by abandoning. I want to encourage you with this post that when you have an idea to develop as you think you can make money online, go with her to the end. Then we have 10 business ideas that made someone rich.

Taking a good idea and being in the right time in the right place, you might get to make money online and be crazy on this list of people who had crazy ideas that became rich.

10 business ideas that made someone rich

Business Ideas

1. The million dollar page

I have already talked about this idea in my blog. A student came up with the idea to create a page with a panel of one million pixels. His idea was to sell each pixel for $ 1 where the customer could place a banner with a link to your website.

It sold a million pixels in a matter of months and managed to win a million dollars.

If you want to read the story of this young check “page of the million dollars.”

2. Email Santa Claus

To an American entrepreneur had the idea of creating an address in the North Pole and charge parents $ 10 to give their children a personalized letter from santa claus.

In a short time he managed to sell more than 200,000 letters. Multiply 200,000 cards for $ 10 and think if it was a good deal…

3. Shop online eyewear for dogs

It may seem like a rather stupid idea, even quite stupid, but an entrepreneur was developed and is doing pretty good business.

4. Laser Monks

A group of monks in a monastery it occurred to refill the cartridges of laser printers to earn some money online. In one year they got 2.5 million Euros in sales. Go fabric!…

5. Online shop of decorative antenna balls

Walld Jason had the idea to create an online store of balls colane antennas in cars as decoration. It seems a bit absurd but Jason has made millionaire.

6. Letters fitness online

A fitness instructor came up with the idea of selling on the internet playing cards with exercises to do to keep in shape.

Do you think this can work? In one year he won $ 4.7 million.

7. Dating website for people with AIDS

This idea may find quite cruel but 50,000 members who have registered on this site has not seemed unkind them. He has won more than $ 100,000 in revenue.

8. Shop online diaper bags

Christie Rein is an entrepreneur who thought of creating designer bags for dads could use to store diapers for their children.

It has created its own online shop these designer bags and bill per year figure of $ 180,000.

9. Picky domains

The idea of this website is a bit absurd but still is having some success. They are dedicated to choose for you the domain for your website.

10. Wishbones

This site is dedicated to selling wishbones at $ 3. They have come to produce up to 30,000 bones per day.


As you can see, everything is possible on the Internet. Have in mind to create your own online store about a new product, but do not know if it will work?

No you got it. Do not be intimidated and develop your own Internet business. Who knows if maybe in a few years become parts of a list of fools who have become rich thanks to the Internet?

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

How to: Make money with your passion?

How to: Make money with your passion?

Make money with your passion

We all have something we love, a hobby, a sport, or an issue that really motivates us and of which we have knowledge or experience. That we would spend hours holding it or talking about it. We really enjoyed doing that which we love so much, but would not you want really to make money with your passion? Anchor

What is your passion?

We all have a passion in life. Some are passionate about sports, and enjoyed practicing and could be watching on TV when our favorite team plays.

  • How we love the technology and enjoyed as children when we have a new Smartphone or a new computer.

  • Other animals we love and enjoy every day of your pet’s company.

  • Others we like politics and can throw us hours and hours talking in the park with our neighbors on the recent decisions taken by the government.

  • You might also like economics or business, and every day you have a new business idea that you could develop.

  • Others we like social networking and watching videos on YouTube, and spent hours and hours stuck in Internet.

I could go on and write the full article on different things that can fascinate us, but I think that’s enough. It is clear that we all have something we love, and what we enjoy.

Ideally to make money with what we like. Let me give you some good news: You can do it.

Earn money doing what you love?

Maybe not directly, but if writing a blog on this subject that you are passionate

Decide what your passion is, you can create a blog and make money on it. A blog is a great online tool to generate income from your own passion.

Writing in a blog we can come to create a community of readers interested in the same passion that we have, and thanks to that web traffic we receive, we can make money.

It’s about sharing your knowledge and experiences on what you both like to do, and make it known to others who are also interested and like to do the same as you.

But how do I make money with a blog about running marathons?

If you like to go running to keep fit, you can create a blog on this subject, where posting your experiences on how to stay in shape, where you share the brands you’re reaching, and on top of the latest marathons around the world.

You can also include a section where cartoons about motivational people who do not give up and has achieve what they want.

There are several ways to monetize a blog, whatever its subject. In this case you could use Google Adsense, which gives you an income for the times that your readers prick in ads that appear on my blog, plus affiliate programs, marketing as an eBook on how to stay fit, and obtaining a commission every time one of your readers said eBook purchase.

You could also offer advertising to gyms, or diet, etc…

Imagine writing about it on your blog that you like to do both, you can get 400 to 500 € each month to pay your mortgage. It would be terrible right?

It’s not science fiction

I’m not trying to sell the bike. You can really earn money writing about your passion. I’m doing it and I delighted (as would the king) and each month I earn money writing my blog about online marketing and the different methods to earn money online, it is my passion.

You can also get it. You need not be an expert. Just take the decision today and make this theme on your blog that you like. I promise you will not regret. You’ll be helping other people by sharing with them your knowledge and experience and also earn money from it.

Monday, March 24, 2014

How to Earn Money Fast?

Maybe now you find yourself in a really desperate situation by a bad economic situation and need money fast. If this is your situation let me tell you that miracles do not exist anywhere, but I want to ask yourself several methods if you can make money fast.

A stable Internet business in the short term?

Internet offers several business opportunities that eventually give us earn money steadily, although these systems may not be a solution for you if you need money fast. It all depends on the haste you have.

670px Money Cash English: Many dollar banknotes. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

There are 3 main businesses you make money online:

These are 3 businesses, online with which you can make money if we work on them, but the means to an income able time is between 5 and 10 months, so if you need money fast you will not solve anything short term.

Then I’ll ask yourself several methods by which if you can make money in the short term, and end of the post you will raise a business system, for if you do not hurry, and want to know a method that generate passive income so constant in the medium term, say between 4 and 6 months.

5 Methods for internet earn quick money

Sell second hand.

If you spend a little time to find a safe home for all objects (clothing, electronics, decoration…) which do not need any more and you can sell them on the Internet in a matter of days. Without much effort you can get perfectly revenues between 300 and 1,000 € in days.

Purchase online.

Internet is a huge market opportunity where you can find any bargains. Searching for an online store where you can find a product or several, really cheap and try to sell them locally to friends, family and acquaintances. Depending on the acceptance that has the product you can generate several hundred euros.

He works as an editor.

 What is the subject you most passionate about? Take advantage of your skills to write articles that are between 200 and 600 words, you can then sell on forums bloggers looking to buy articles to publish on their blogs. Forums have a business section where such sales are made, and you can get an amount between 2 and € 3 per item. If you manage to write about 5 articles per day for 5 days a week you could win € 300 per month. If you have no knowledge about any specific topic you can gather information on the Internet and write the article in your own words.

Give online classes.

Thanks to the internet you can take online classes on any subject of which you have knowledge. Playing an instrument, languages, computer science, mathematics, etc.. You can also to advertise locally and teach at home.

Fill surveys.

There are advertising companies that perform market analysis for large multinational companies that need to hear from ordinary people like you on a given product. With this system you can generate a few extra incomes each month filling out surveys from the comfort of your home. To learn more about this system visit Top 3 companies to make money doing surveys.

With either of these methods you can make money fast to cover minimal expenses in desperate situations.

Here I want to introduce a method that really works, with which you can generate several hundred Euros steadily, i.e. every month.

Making money with a blog.

This method will take about 4 or 5 months you have to invest your work, to see the first results, but within 4 or 5 months (also depending on the competition you have in the niche market you choose ) can be generating between 200 € and 500 € per month.

The steps are:

  • Select a microniche market.

  • Create a blog.

  • Write on blog to position.

  • Monetize your blog and get income.

For more information on how to develop this system you need to read my post micro niche Experiment with affiliate program.

With this system I myself have been able to generate passive income, after working on a blog for 5 months, writing on average about 5 articles per week, I have obtained the first month nearly 250 € income amount will increase in the coming months.