Friday, March 21, 2014

Benefits of creating an online business shop

Benefits of creating an online business shop

Benefits of creating

I wrote on the steps to create our own online store. E-commerce is growing rapidly, and if we want our business to survive in the midst of this time of crisis, we must seize the opportunities the Internet offers. Anchor

In this post I intend to just let you know the benefits to our business if we create an online store.

Internet allows us to increase sales of our business, without having to make a large investment.

Thanks to the Internet, borders no longer exist. We need not limit our business to the people who live in our neighborhood and our city, we can reach millions of customers around the world, simply from any computer with an Internet connection.

On the internet we can find thousands of niche markets to which our business focus and meet the demand of users worldwide.

Having an online store is beneficial to our business for several reasons.

More business opportunities

According to statistics, more and more users who use the Internet to shop there. Over 70 % of the white population makes purchases online. In Spain this percentage drops to 27% of the population, but this figure is increasing year after year. The European average is 43 %.

According to these figures, if we have an Internet presence, we are losing the ability to access a very large market of customers willing to buy your product or service.


Thanks to the Internet, we can find specific market niches in which to position ourselves to meet a specific demand. Thus, we define our target audience, and will access customers who are genuinely interested in what we offer.

We can increase our offline sales

We are many customers who make a purchase before comparing prices on the internet, then do our shopping in a physical store. So if you have an online store, this will benefit the sales of your physical store.

We can make use of online marketing

It is proven that the Internet is one of the best marketing tools to publicize our business. There are various online advertising platforms such as Google Adwords or Facebook Ads where we can promote our website focusing on specific markets.

Internationalize our business

If we have an online store, will be much easier to make it known in other countries without large investments.

In this case it is advisable to have an online store available in several languages, with different methods available.

If you are the owner of a business and yet you shop online, you have several reasons why you should not waste any more time. Having an online store only bring benefits to your business. Do not wait.

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