Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How can I make money selling photos online?

Many people know that a picture is worth a 1000 words but really few know that an image may also represent more than $1000, but how can this be? it is the best way to sell your photographs online.


How can I make money selling photos online?

How I Can Sell Photos Online 300x212

What this system is based?

Well the idea is very simple if you are a professional photographer or if you are interested in photography, then you can sell your photo collection online, all you need is an internet connection, a computer, a camera and raring to go and capture beautiful places and moments.

But because I get paid to take pictures?

Well this is very simple, you can imagine how expensive it is to hire a photographer to make some few shots according to what you need your web site or advertising campaign, you can imagine is what it is to hire a model to represent your brand, I’m sure you could not hit the budget is few people and companies that can pay a similar service so there is a HUGE market of people who do not have much money to spend but they want quality images for their campaigns and where retail sites photographs admitted to catch that market segment that needs images but cannot afford the services of a special person to get them.

How do I start?

Well the idea is very simple all you have to do is register with websites marketing photos as Istockphoto and upload your images there, after a while someone would be interested in your work and buy it, by that action, you will receive a percentage of the sale price Picture, now maybe you think it may be little, but I tell you once and thousands of people are buying pictures every day, is I’ve bought many times photos there, so it’s a very large market can help you generate extra income with your passion.

Now, do a web site selling pictures is enough? Because there are not many other places to sell photos and few more are registered more exposure will your photos and more sales you get, so you need to register at all you find.

Important: To be accepted on these websites must have knowledge of photography is more in the case of Istickohoto need to take a test, so you really need to read the manual ( download here ) to register properly and make money .

Can anyone on this?

The truth is that No, this type of work is for person with knowledge in photography, the better your images more money you win, so if you do not know what you do with your camera simply will not achieve anything, however anyone can learn to take pictures.

How can I make money selling photos online?

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